Is it a Good Idea to Invest in a Swimming Pool?

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A swimming pool can be an excellent investment as long as the decision is well thought out.

Determining if Your New Pool Will Increase Home Value

A pool can help you cool down during the warm California summers, and in some situations, having one installed can add value to your home. Determining whether it is a good investment to make may depend on a few different factors. In addition to looking at local reviews in order to find trustworthy pool builders in San Diego, there are some things you may want also to consider in order to make a more informed decision and protect your investment.

Consider Your Local Demographic

Your neighborhood might dictate whether having a pool would be an attraction to a potential buyer or a complete turnoff. For example, if the trend in your specific area is geared towards young couples with small children, it might not be a wise idea to install a pool if you are planning to sell your house in the near future. Parents who are concerned about their children’s safety might not be willing to place an offer on a house with a pool. However, if the neighborhood is more geared towards families with older children or senior citizens, a pool might be an excellent investment to make.

Identify Your Long-Term Goals

If your home is a starter home and you plan to scale up within the next five to 10 years, you may want to hold off on installing a pool until you move into your new house. The exception, of course would be if the pool would increase market value. Keep in mind that maintenance will be a tremendous factor as well; if you decide to install a pool but fail to maintain it the result could negatively affect potential homebuyers.

Other Factors to Consider

Evaluate how much backyard space you currently have, and whether a pool would take away too much square footage. You do not want to sacrifice your comfort level for an enjoyable recreational activity, but there might be a way to still have both. If your community has a pool, installing a private one might be less of an enticement to a potential homebuyer. Determine whether you will have enough time and energy to keep your pool maintained as well before making the final decision.

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