Pool Tips To Help Conserve Water This Summer

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Although winter is still among us, it is beginning to wind down and warmer weather is right around the corner. This means spending more time in the pool with friends and family. Now is a great time to start thinking about pool maintenance and your plan for reducing water. California has been experiencing severe drought conditions for more than three years, and experts predict 2015 to be little different from previous years.

It is important for every individual to do his or her part in an effort to reduce water consumption. Swimming pools can be great during the hot summer months, but can also be a major source of water waste. Here are a few tips on how to minimize the amount of water wasted by your pool.

A geometric swimming pool with a cloudy sky in the background.

Find and fix leaks

A leak in your pool or pool equipment can result in massive amount of water lost. If you have a 15 by 30 foot pool which has a leak that lowers water levels by an inch a day, you are losing about 102, 000 gallons a year.

If you want to check for leaks experts recommend filling a container of water, marking the level and placing it on the first or second step of your pool. Leave the container for a full day and if the water is below the mark, you have a leak.

Maintain correct chemical levels

Another way to easily reduce water waste in you pool is to keep chemical at the proper levels and turn your filter on every morning. This will keep you from needing to drain you pool or add additional water to correct water quality issues. This will also keep you pool much cleaner and safer for everyone.

Make changes to slow evaporation

Especially in the heat of the summer, slow evaporation can have a huge effect on your pool water levels. There are several easy changes you can make to help slow the rate of evaporation. Using a pool cover is the quickest and easiest thing you can do to reduce loss of water by up to 30 percent.

If you have a pool heating system, lowering the pool and spa temperature can help because cooler water evaporates at a slower rate. Another thing you can do is power down any fountains or waterfalls as aeration can increase the rate of evaporation.

Stop backwashing

Backwashing is the process of reversing the flow of water as a method of cleaning a pools filter. Although this process is the easiest way to clean pool filters, it can also waste up to 1,000 gallon of water each time you do it. Cleaning your pool filter manually can be more time consuming, but can also save a lot of water.

Fore more information on how to optimize you pool for water efficiency or for the top pool company in San Diego, call the experts at Pacific Sun Pools and Spas at (877) 271-8822 today.

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